TikTok's Newest Change: Say Goodbye to Unexpected Music with This New Addition



Table of Contents

Introduction to social media

- Making Friends

- News and Info

- Sharing Fun Stuff

- Having Fun

The Power of social media

- Telling Everyone

- Helping Others

- Being in a Group

- Talking Right Away

Navigating the Tricky Parts

- Tricky Parts

- Keeping Secrets

TikTok's New Feature: No More Surprise Music!

- Changing the TikTok Sound


Social media is like a super cool place on the internet where we can do lots of stuff. Sure, let's break it down into easy-to-understand pieces:

Making Friends: social media helps us talk to people from all over the world, no matter how far they are. We can stay in touch with friends, family, and even make new friends online.

News and Info: We get to know what's happening around the world super-fast. It's like reading a newspaper, but on our phones or computers.

Sharing Fun Stuff: We can post things like words, pictures, and videos on social media. It's like showing off our talents, funny moments, and cool things we do.

Having Fun: Social media has cool stuff to watch, like funny videos and pictures. It's like watching TV, but on our devices.

Telling Everyone: People use social media to tell others about their cool stuff. This helps businesses sell things and people become famous online.

Helping Others: We can use social media to talk about important stuff and make the world better. People can share their thoughts and help causes they care about.

Being in a Group: We can join groups online with people who like the same things we do. It's like having a secret club where we talk about what we love.

Talking Right Away: We can chat with others quickly using social media. We can leave comments, send messages, and talk in groups, just like talking with friends in real life.

Tricky Parts: Social media is awesome, but sometimes it can be tricky. Some people spread lies or say mean things. We should be careful and kind online.

Keeping Secrets: Sometimes, social media collects our information, and that's not always good. We should be careful about what we share and know our privacy rights.

TikTok's New Feature: No More Surprise Music!

TikTok is a fun place to watch videos, but sometimes the music that starts playing suddenly can be a bit annoying. TikTok listened to our complaints and introduced a cool thing called "playback mute."

This feature lets us decide if we want the sound to play automatically when we watch videos on TikTok. Normally, TikTok videos play with sound, but now we can stop it if we want.

Changing the TikTok Sound:

1. Open TikTok: Open the TikTok app on your phone.

2. Profile: Tap your profile picture at the bottom right.

3. Settings: Look for three dots at the top right. Tap them.

4. Notifications and Sounds: Find "Notifications and Sounds" or something similar. Tap it.

5. App Sound: You might see "App Sound" or "Opening Sound." Change the sound or turn it off.

6. Save Changes: Follow the instructions to save your changes.

That's it! Social media is full of cool things, and now TikTok won't surprise us with music anymore.

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